Woahhoh! I finally bought an Organizer haha It's damn useful luh. written quite a lot of things on it already more than what I would have written in a compo haha! Anywho, today was quite a smooth bumpy road :P First, went to church to meet Chris and Jared. But since Jared was there first, the 2 of us disturbed Father Val until Chris arrived ^^ Then.. Jared ps us to go home and play some weird shit game haha and then Chris and I left for Marina Square. Met up with Abby and Jeannel. Jeannel and I were planning to tell Abby that we have been talking for about 2 weeks but Abby's reaction was damn stoned luh X_X sheesh so not fun haha Anyway, after that went to Raffle's City then Taka with Chris. Managed to buy a few things ^^ shh secrets. Then ps-ed Chris to go pick Abby up from her workplace since she was released early. Then took bus 56 back to church. Had dinner, Lan and then meeting with Addison at macs. really quick meeting. faster than RPM haha and tomorrow is just another crazy day of spending money! haha I'll need an sms-ing buddy haha oooo I know the perfect victim haha *grins* ooo Harobed! haha
[What hurts the most is being so close] [And watching you walk away.. Is leaving me with nothing to say..]